Что такое гугл ленц камера.


Download Google Lens APK v1.10.191126026. Google Lens belongs to the Tools category and the developer of this app is Google Inc.. The average rating is 5.0 out of 5 stars on our website. However, this app"s rating is 2.7 out of 5 stars according to different rating platforms. Download Google Lens if you need a free app from the Tools category for your device but you will need Android 6.0 version or higher to install this app.

You may also leave your review for Google Lens on our website so that our users may have a good idea about the app. If you want to know more about Google Lens, then you may visit google help center for more information. 971 users gave the rating which resulted in the average 2.7 rating. 504 users rated it 1 stars and 352 users gave 5 stars rating. The minimum number of downloads across the web is 500,000 times but the number of downloads might be as high as 1,000,000.

The app is available in english and the total versions you can download are 21. Download APK and open it using your favorite File manager and install by tapping on the file name. If the installation does not start then you need to enable unknown sources from your Android settings. Some apps like Google Lens are Superuser, SuperSU, Google Play Services, Superuser Update Fixer, Root Checker, Root Checker, Clean Master, File Manager (File Transfer). If you want to write a review then install this app and rate on our website. The download is hassle free as our speed is fast. We offer direct links to all the available 21 versions of the Google Lens free.

Download Google Lens Launcher app APK from the link provided below. With the launch of Google Pixel 2 and Android 8.0 Oreo, Google introduced a new photo technology named as Google Lens which can understand the text present in the photo. This data is then sent to Google Assistant which uses AI technology to provide more information about that text, aka the photo. This is very creative and informational way of clicking pictures with your phone. Google Lens Launcher come pre-installed in Google Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL and is exclusive to these devices as of now.

In order to install Google Lens on your phone, you need to have Google Photos v3.5 and above on your phone. As mentioned above, the application is only functional on Pixel 2 devices, but soon it will be available for other devices as well. Though just installing the APK on any Android phone should make the application work, but Google has patched their server to restrict non-Pixel devices from accessing Google Lens.

Google Lens can perform many tasks from your smartphone like identifying any book, barcode, building, artwork, places, statues, etc. It can also save contacts from business cards, translate languages, identify plants and animals and much more. The possibilities of using Google Lens is unlimited as it can perform many tasks.

Currently, Google Lens is in the development stage, therefore it is not that accurate and responsive. But once the application comes under the stable stage, we can expect that Google will allow other device owners to install the app on their phone as well.

The future of Google Lens technology is very bright and we can see this as a necessary feature on phone cameras in coming years. You can stay tuned with us to download and get regular updates on the latest version of Google Lens.

Download Google Lens APK v1.10.191126026. Google Lens belongs to the Tools category and the developer of this app is Google Inc.. The average rating is 5.0 out of 5 stars on our website. However, this app"s rating is 2.7 out of 5 stars according to different rating platforms. Download Google Lens if you need a free app from the Tools category for your device but you will need Android 6.0 version or higher to install this app.

You may also leave your review for Google Lens on our website so that our users may have a good idea about the app. If you want to know more about Google Lens, then you may visit google help center for more information. 971 users gave the rating which resulted in the average 2.7 rating. 504 users rated it 1 stars and 352 users gave 5 stars rating. The minimum number of downloads across the web is 500,000 times but the number of downloads might be as high as 1,000,000.

The app is available in english and the total versions you can download are 21. Download APK and open it using your favorite File manager and install by tapping on the file name. If the installation does not start then you need to enable unknown sources from your Android settings. Some apps like Google Lens are Superuser, SuperSU, Google Play Services, Superuser Update Fixer, Root Checker, Root Checker, Clean Master, File Manager (File Transfer). If you want to write a review then install this app and rate on our website. The download is hassle free as our speed is fast. We offer direct links to all the available 21 versions of the Google Lens free.

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Google Lens is a recently released new application, and if you want to download the latest version of Google Lens 2019 APK file then just click on the given download link present at the bottom of this article. Now, let us talk about the basic features of Google Lens application.

Google Lens is a new and latest feature which was introduced by Google during Google I/O 2017. This application is designed in such a way that it can extract the complete information of any image which our camera will capture. It shows the relevant information such as when the user will point his phone’s camera towards Wi-Fi sticker, the device will automatically connect to the Wi-Fi source that has been scanned by that user, or if he tries to point his phone’s camera to any restaurant, then it will provide the complete information of that restaurant in a pop up windows such as reviews, timings, location and web address of that restaurant. The application is also connected with other Google Photos and Google Assistant applications.

Download Google Lens APK Latest Version 2018 | Updated

Application Name Google Lens
File Name google-lens-14190205036.apk
Version Name 1.4.190205036
File Size 3.04 MB
Minimum Android Version Required Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API 23)
Updated On 25-February-2019

Google Lens application was officially launched on October 4, 2017. This new version of Google Lens is rolling out to Google Pixel users around the world. Now let us know how Google Lens works, when we click any photo then Google Photos will prase that image and will read image file which was clicked and then the given hidden information inside that image is decoded with the help of Google machine learning algorithms. We can say that here Google Lens application is just a mediator.

Our team will try to update this article as soon as possible so keep an eye on updates. This is the first version of Google Lens application so app might have some bugs, therefore, be careful. We have extracted the apk file from the official source and it 100% original.

For more information and latest update stay tuned with us.

Прогресс Google в области искусственного интеллекта впечатляет, и даже очень. Они добились того, что их технология может распознавать всё, что нас окружает, благодаря камере нашего смартфона . Хотя это может показаться не очень полезной вещью, они уже разработали немало отличных приложений, и скоро появятся новые.

Речь идёт об их эксперименте с Google Lens , который до сих пор был включен в качестве опции в Google Фото, но теперь он представлен с собственным автономным приложением, чтобы пользователи могли попробовать его, а также помочь им расширить и улучшить свою базу данных.

Особенности Google Lens

  • Распознавание и взаимодействие с текстом : теперь GL позволяет нам фокусировать текст с помощью нашей камеры, чтобы выполнять разные действия, например, добавить события в наш календарь, искать слова в словаре и их перевод, и даже скопировать и вставлять текст.
  • Информация о нашем окружении : распознает самые важные памятники, шедевры в музеях, расписания... и предлагает пользователю историческую информацию и данные, что может его заинтересовать. Идеально подходит для туристов!
  • Распознавание товаров : если вы идете по улице и видите идеальный пиджак в витрине магазина, вам захотелось шоколада, который трудно найти, или вы просто любопытная варвара и хотите узнать, сколько потратил ваш сосед на свою новую машину, Lens позволит вам нацелить камеру на рассматриваемый товар и приобрести его непосредственно в Интернете, а также другие связанные с ним вещи.
  • Распознавание сортов растений и видов животных : любопытство не является недостатком. С Google Lens вы сможете удовлетворить свое любопытство, если вы видите неизвестное растение или собаку в парке. Google Lens определит породу собаки или вид растения.