Как играть в иос игры на пк. Самые лучшие эмуляторы iOS на ПК для Windows


Чтобы запускать приложения и игры на iOS обычно используют эмулятор iOS для Windows, так называемый специальный iOS emulator. Это пригодится для программистов и создателей собственных проектов, которые отлаживают и налаживают свои разработки.

Простые пользователи могут просто играть в любимые игры в дополнительном окне в комфортное время. Программисты способны запускать такую функцию и без дополнительных сложных средств, но только на своих Mac и достаточно урезанную версию. Сторонние приложения предлагают больший функционал.

И у тех и у других часто возникает закономерный вопрос о том, как же открывать эмулятор iOS на пк под управлением Windows. И какие устройства открываются, а какие нет. Ведь на Андроид эмуляторов великое множество и устанавливать их не составляет никаких проблем, в отличие от более «закрытой» операционки от Apple, iOS emulator которой более редки и сложны.

Бесплатный iOS emulator который работает с Windows 7, 8, 10 и даже ХР! Распространяется он бесплатно и доступен любому пользователю. По сути эта технология не полноценный эмулятор, ведь с его помощью доступно не так много функций. В основном это взаимодействие с теми программами, которые были написаны разработчиками для использования на компьютере. То есть всеми воспользоваться нельзя, но есть огромное количество работающих! К ним относятся и популярные: Фалаут убежище, Растения против Зомби (обе части), Клаш оф кланс, Кат зе роуп и так далее. На любой вкус найдется игра даже среди такого малого количества.

Достаточно скачать файл iPadian 2 с сайта создателей и просто запустить.exe. После этого появится облако iOS emulator с интерфейсом iPad. Разобраться с программой не составит никакого труда. Если говорить про сам интерфейс и то, как выглядит программа, то большую часть рабочего стола занимает рабочий стол устройства, где снизу находится панель с основными ярлычками программ. Сверху же находятся элементы управления самим эмулятором, его включение и выключение.

При том при включении эмулятора на виндоус есть доступ к функциям ОС, которые доступны с помощью стандартного пуска. Из минусов выделяется только тот факт, что в программе большое количество рекламы. Однако сейчас реклама повсюду и жаловаться на это нет смысла, ведь iPadian 2 полностью выполняет свою задачу и за бесплатно крайне комфортно в использовании.

Если говорить не про игры, а про приложения, то они есть, но их также не слишком много. Среди популярных приложений выделяются те, которыми люди пользуются каждый день:

  • Инстаграм (есть возможность только просматривать фотографии, но нельзя добавлять свои, ведь для этого требуется доступ в фотографии, который нельзя получить из-за «защищенности» системы).
  • Спотифай (С помощью него есть возможность запускать музыку и функционал не урезан, что удобно).
  • Фейсбук, вотсапп, телеграмм, вайбер и прочие мессенджеры (Не сказать, что они сильно стабильны, но есть возможность пользоваться главной функцией: отправлять и читать сообщения).

Чтобы iPadian 2 работал стабильно, требуется не меньше 500 Мб и последняя версия Adobe Air. Помимо этого требуется ОС на основе виндоус выше ХР и в том числе для 10 версии. iPadian 2 – единственные, кто до сих пор поддерживают свое приложение.


Очередной вариант для того, чтобы включить айос на виндоус является сайт http://app.io. Его особенность в том, что он работает на ХТМЛ 5 и помогает включать программы в браузере. Стоит отметить, что сайт в разработке и не всегда корректно работает и отображается.

С помощью такого способа можно легко и просто показать свои приложения и фишки клиентам, поэтому сама программа app.io направлено на рынок маркетинга и разработчиков, а вовсе не для игр. Однако это удобно и для простого пользователя, когда ничего не надо скачивать.


Говорят, что это лучший вариант эмулятора для виндоус, который запускает большую часть игр и приложений по несколько нажатий одной кнопки мыши. Есть возможность использования и для эмулятора Андроида. Разработка была сделана с помощью ХТМЛ 5, как и предыдущий вариант. Однако приложение платное, бесплатно им можно пользоваться только 15 суток.

Стоит отметить, что официально приложение больше не поддерживается, однако есть возможность сказать.exe файл для виндоус с других сайтов или торрентов.

Air Phone

Очередной эмулятор, с помощью которого можно работать на iOS устройстве на Windows 7/8/10 и так далее . Этот эмулятор в основном создан для девелоперов и разработчиков, чтобы бесплатно протестировать свое творение.

Однако это удобно и для обычных людей, чтобы поиграть в игру или использовать любимое приложение. Стоит отметить, что распространяется она бесплатно только для разработчиков, остальным же желающим придется платить.


Способ сделать эмулятор на компьютере много, выбирайте наиболее удобный и простой из перечисленных выше. С помощью iOS emulator можно играть в любимые игры на компьютере в дополнительном окне или же использовать приложения, которых нет на виндоус. Однако полноценного способа взаимодействия обычным людям с ОС от Apple как такового нет.

Мы рады приветствовать вас на нашем сайте, где вы сможете узнать всё о любимых устройствах с платформой IOS и не только. Вот буквально сейчас мы подготовили для вас статью с описанием установки программы эмулятора на ваш ПК.

Конечно, если говорить откровенно, то полноценных эмуляторов, которые способны подарить вам полный набор функций, содержащихся в iPad или iPhone нет!
Мы можем предложить вам лишь симуляторы, а это большое отличие от эмулятора. Игры и приложения на Windows лучше было бы запускать на эмуляторе, из-за затруднительного запуска игр с помощью симулятора, но всё же это возможно.
И буквально сейчас мы начнём с вами знакомство с таким приложением как iPadian2

Если вы решили попробовать что это такое и с чем едят IOS , тогда другого подходящего варианта кроме iPadian2 у вас пока нет. В данной программе вы сможете хотя бы визуально насладиться данной операционкой. А скачать данную прогу, можно с официального сайта, ссылка прилагается:
Главным условием правильной работы приложения является наличие последней версии Adobe AIR , которую вы можете скачать отсюда
Чтобы программа эмулятор iPadian2 заработала на вашем компьютере её совершенно не нужно устанавливать, просто скачайте её и затем запустите её. Вот собственно и всё, прекрасный вид IOS 7 уже на вашем ПК.

How to run iOS apps in Windows PC or What is the best iOS emulator for Windows to run iOS apps in Windows 10 / 8 / 7 computer are some of the widely searched terms over the internet, and that’s the main reason for us to bringing out this iOS Emulators for Windows guide.

Apple App store is having a huge collection of iOS applications and games. If you played a game or app on your friends iPhone and want to play it again but don’t have an iOS device then you can use to play iOS games on PC. The iOS emulators are softwares which help one in running all the applications and games available for iOS devices on Windows computers.

You just have to install and you will be able to run all your favorite iOS applications and games on your Windows computer. There are many different iOS emulators available on the web for iOS and today we are going to share top 7 best iOS emulators to run iOS Apps on Windows PC.

But before browsing the complete list of iOS emulator to run iOS apps in Windows 10 / 8 / 7 operating system, let’s find out in details – what is iOS emulator?, What is the difference between Emulator and Simulator?, and What are the important uses of iOS emulator?

What is iOS Emulator?

Is a software which will help you in running any game on your Windows computer. You can easily install on any Windows computer or laptop and access all the iOS games and applications for free. Not only you can use the applications and games which are available in Apple iTunes App store but also test the iOS apps and games which you are going to develop for any iOS device.

In this extensive guide of best, you will be able to find out some very exclusive iOS simulator and emulators for iOS which are absolutely free and quite safe to download.

What is the Difference Between Emulator and Simulator?

A lot of people get confused between a simulator and emulator whenever they read the guide of best iOS emulator for Windows computer or best for Windows computer. Simulator and Emulator sound the same but both these terms are different.

An emulator is considered as a replacement of any original device like iPhone or iPad. Using , you will be able to run same applications and softwares of original device e.g. iPhone or iPad. There is no need of modifying the software as the only thing needed is installation of the software and you are good to go. All the non-iOS users who want to run iOS apps and games use iOS emulators for Windows.

Simulator will set up similar environment just like the Operating system of original device but doesn’t provide access to hardware of the device. This is one of the reasons that some applications don’t work on for Windows. iOS simulators will run the code smoothly and will launch the app within a few seconds.

Developers prefer to use iOS emulator for PC instead of iOS simulators because of the ability to test the applications and user friendly interface. Now that we know what is the difference between iOS simulator for Windows and emulator for iOS ? So, let’s find out important uses of iOS simulator.

What are the Important Uses of iOS Emulators?

There are many important uses of iOS simulators or iOS emulators for Windows. We have listed some of the important uses of iOS emulator for PC below:

  • You can test the iOS apps when you are developing them using the iOS emulator.
  • Mobile app simulator will help you to run the application in multiple devices which are having the same operating system.
  • You will be able to analyze your application and also find out the issues which are present in your application during the testing phase. This will help you in getting better product in the end.
  • You can test the application with all the developer tools which you can only access using a simulator.
  • If you love to learn about coding then you can enjoy the Xcode development experience. The iOS developer program will help you in providing more information on how to code better and efficiently.

Top 7 Best iOS Emulators to Run iOS Apps in Windows 10 / 8 / 7

If you have already fed up by trying all the possible methods to run apple apps on Windows PC without iOS emulator and now looking for a best and very powerful iOS emulator for Windows 10, 8, or 7 operating system then below explained list of iOS emulators to run iOS apps on Windows PC is just perfect for you.

There are plenty of emulators for iOS with some very extraordinary features available on the internet and some of them are listed in this “” guide. If you want to use the best iOS app emulator to run iOS apps on Windows computer, you can download any mobile emulator for iOS from the list below.

So, let’s check out the list of best iPhone Emulator for Windows and iPad Emulator for Windows operating system:

(1) iPadian

iPadian iPad Emulator is the most popular and the best iOS emulator for Windows PC. You can use this emulator on any version of Windows PC and play all your favorite iPad games and applications. The emulator supports iOS 9 which is the latest iOS operating system available out there. You can download this iOS app emulator for free from its official website.

iPadian comes with user friendly interface and will provide you complete iPad experience on your Windows computer. A lot of app developers suggest iPadian as it comes with a lot of advanced features and is highly customizable.

Donwload iPadian iOS Emulator right now and brings all your favorite iOS apps to PC. Also let us know via the comments – Are you happy to use iPadian iPad Emulator on your Windows Computer?

(2) MobiOne Studio

MobiOne Studio is another iOS emulator for PC. You can use this iOS emulator for Windows to run all the iOS games and applications for free on your Windows computer. If you are into app development you can test your newly developed games using MobiOne Studio. Not only can you use this app studio to develop iOS apps but also Android applications and games. All the applications are built on HTML 5 which you can use anywhere and are compatible with multiple devices.

MobiOne Studio will allow you to share the application, build status notifications on your desktop as well as will allow you to configure the application on your iPad and iPhone. You can also customize the icons of the applications and check status of the application which you are downloading in MobiOne studio. You can download and use the mobile app simulator for free on any version of Windows operating system.

(3) Air iPhone Emulator

The next iOS emulators to run iOS apps on Windows PC is Air iPhone Emulator . The emulator or we should call it mobile app simulator will replicate Graphical User Interface of iPhone. In order to run this mobile app simulator you need to install AIR framework. Air Phone emulator is not fully developed application which is why the apps which you will run on this emulator might look bit different.

You will get complete interface of iPhone with this iOS emulator for Windows but if you are a or tester you might find it little difficult to test the applications. There are not a lot of advantages stated of this emulator but if you want to experience the user interface of iPhone on your Windows PC you can use Air Phone Emulator.

(4) iPhone Simulator

Using iPhone Simulator , you will be able to access all the iOS games and applications on your Windows computer. If you are a developer and are developing an app you can test it right away using iPhone simulator as the software allows you to test the applications in beta stage. If you are not able to afford an iPhone then iPhone simulator is the best option which you are having as you can run all iOS games and applications.

The graphics which you are going to get on iPhone Simulator are of very high quality and you will get exact iPhone interface on your computer. iPhone Simulator is the must download iOS emulator for Windows if you want to use your computer screen as your iPhone or iPad device’s screen.

(5) Xamarin Testflight

If you are looking for the best iOS emulators for windows which come with user friendly interface and advanced support, you need to use Xamarin Testflight emulators for iOS apps. You need to shed a couple of bucks in order to use this emulator as it is a premium one.

Once you have downloaded and installed this amazing iOS emulator to run iOS apps in Windows PC, you can enjoy all your favorite iOS games and applications on your Windows computer without any interruptions. The Xamarin Testflight emulator is compatible with all the versions of Windows operating system.

(6) iPad Simulator

As the name of this simulator suggests, iPad Simulator will allow you to run all the iPad games and applications. iPad simulator is basically a Google chrome extension which will work in Google Chrome as Cloud OS. You can even use iMessage application to send messages to your friends for free using iPad Simulator.

If you get a reply from your friend you will get a notification on your computer. If you are using a lot of applications you can use the search feature to find the app which you want to use.

(7) Smartface

Last but not the least is Smartface App Studio, the iPhone emulator which can be used to test the applications which you are building and development. You get debugging options for the iOS applications which will help you in getting better flexibility and will help in development of applications.

The Javascript library is going to help the developers in development of native iOS applications. Smartface emulator allows you to perfectly emulate your iOS and Android application on a Windows PC.

9 Best iOS Emulators: – Are you fascinated towards the iOS apps and wish you could run them on your Windows PC? Well, that’s normal as there are growing number of online searches on “how to run iOS apps on Windows” or the “best iOS emulators for Windows”. While Android still leads the race in people willing to get the feel of Android apps on their PC, there is also equal number of users looking for iOS emulators to use the iPhone/iPad apps on their PC. However, there are not as many iOS emulators out there compared to Android that has tons of them designed for Windows or Mac OSX.

So, if you are already getting disheartened due to the fact that neither do you have enough money to buy an iPhone or an iPad nor can you get your hands on an iOS emulator, we have some good news for you! We have found out some of the best iOS emulators for you that will not only let you run your favorite iOS apps on Windows/Mac, but also allow you to test the iOS application on your PC.

What is an Emulator?

But, before we get into the groove let us tell you what an iOS emulator is. It is a type of software program that helps a PC to behave like a “guest” system and enables it to run the apps and software of the guest PC in it. In short, emulators are make-believe arrangements that support functioning of applications belonging to other OS and ensure smooth operation of these apps.

Why needing Emulators?

They are chiefly made for app developers that help them test the same and other programs. Emulators are cloud based and hence, can run programs from one or more OS like, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, etc. While there are quite a few uses of emulators, you can use them chiefly for your entertainment such as, playing iOS games or simply to create iOS apps on your PC. Besides, there are several advantages of emulators some of which are like, they are free to use and rendered with SDK with the release of each new OS, they are easy to install, fairly simple to use and fast.

We have handpicked the best iOS emulators for you and some of them are even free of cost. So, select any from the list, download and install your most desired iOS games and apps, develop fresh apps and do much more with these iOS emulators. So let’s get going..


If you have seen an iPad user interface you would then definitely relate to iPadian. The GUI of iPadian is same as of an iPad so, when you use it you will get the feel of an actual iPad on your Windows PC. When it comes to iOS simulators iPadian tops the list hands down. Using this iPad look alike, you can get access to the App Store and download apps seamlessly. If you already have apps installed this iOS simulator will let you enjoy them on your Windows PC too.

iPadian is available in both free and paid version, and the free version is equally good to be used for any iOS games and apps from it. Its beautiful GUI, app compatibility, clear indicators and the choice to download apps from the iOS app store makes it the most preferred free iOS emulators in the list. What’s more, as by simply clicking on the screen you get access to the buttons and the touch screen instantly.

How to use iPadian to run iOS on your Windows OS?

It cannot be any simpler than this as you just need to download the software on your PC, install it and an iPad interface emerges on your screen in Full Screen mode. As mentioned previously, the GUI resembles the iPad hence; the icons are similar as well. Along with the basic apps, you will find a set of pre-installed apps ready to be used like, Facebook, Angry Birds, Clash of Clans, Photoshop and more. The basic apps are the Safari Browser, Clock, App Store, Mail, Calculator, Music, etc.

So, when you launch any app on iPadian, it functions exactly like it would on the iPad. You can close the app by clicking on the cross sign on the top right hand corner of the screen after you have used it. To go to the Windows, select the Windows button located at the bottom right of the screen. If you are using the picture gallery or the music player, they may access the media available on your PC. The YouTube and the Safari Browser can easily access your device’s internet connection using the iOS emulator.

Whenever you start any app you will see two navigation buttons so that you can switch between the apps effortlessly. Once you are all set with the emulator, you can now install these iOS apps on your PC using this application. Simply browse through the store and install it on the emulator.

The only downside we find with iPadian is that it takes a while to get installed, however, the fact that you can launch any of its apps with just the usual double clicks and its simplicity makes it a winner.

Price: Free; $10 for Premium Version

Price: Free; starts from $99

Compatibility: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7, Android, iPhone, Pad


If you simply want an alternative to the App.io there could be no better choice than the Appetize.io. this software enables you to develop iOS and Android apps on your cloud storage device. It’s got more for you in store with its free live iOS demo which can be accessed by everyone to have a complete look into the Phone models (4/5/6) along with Google Nexus 5.

How to use Appetize.io to run iOS on your Wndows OS?

But since, it’s a demo you will obviously not be able to install any applications on the emulated device during the demo. So, if you want to test a specific .ipa or an iOS app you can use the upload option located on the Appetize.io webpage, simply upload the app and there you go! Your iOS app gets emulated and the link is emailed to you.

Even though you may find tests on certain iPhone models a bit slow, but you eventually get the complete round up of the iOS. So, if you are really desperate to get the feel of iPhone iOS on your PC, Appetize.io can be the right solution.

Price: Free for first 100 minutes per month; starts from $0.05 per minute

Compatibility: Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone

Xamarin Testflight

Xamarin Testflight in association with Apple offers you a platform to emulate iOS apps and test them on Windows device. It is the chief way to beta test your Xamarin.iOS apps. It is available to use only via the iTunes Connect. It lets you beta test your iOS apps for both external and internal users and makes sure that the final review has a much easier process while you publish it into the App Store.What’s to be noted here is that TestFlight test apps only that are above OS 8.0.

How to use Xamarine TestFlight to run iOS on your Windows OS?

Now create an “App Store Distribution Profile” with the new beta rights to begin testing. Create iTunes Connect Record for new apps => Archive and publish your app to the iTunes connect => Manage beta testing by adding Metadata, Internal Users (Max 25), External Users (Max 2000), receive feedback, take action and get back to archiving and publishing the app.

To create an iTunes Connect record you need to login to the iTunes Connect Portal with the help of the Apple developer login id=> choose “My Apps”=> now click on the + button at top right hand corner of the UI to add a fresh app=> the submission window will confirm the “New iOS App” addition.

To upload new developments you need to create your final distributable in the IDE and then surrender your app to the Apple store using the application loader or via the Archive option in Xcode. You can then proceed to the beta testing which is an elaborate and is explained beautifully on the app website. So get Xamarin TestFlight today to emulate and test your iOS apps on Windows.

Price: starts at $25 per month

MobiOne Studio

MobiOne Studio is a versatile software that not only helps you to emulate iOS apps, but also goes a step ahead by allowing you to develop apps just like you would do in Android SDK. In other words it is an iOS emulator along with being an iPhone simulator for Windows that helps develop multi-platform mobile phone apps for both Android and iOS platforms.

Even though it is not available for free of cost, the trial period is good enough for you to know if the product is useful. As a developer you can effortlessly test your games and apps on this emulator immediately without any hiccups. The apps on it are built on HTML 5 hybrid fundamental app model via the PhoneGap or Cordova open source structure.

What Does MobiOne Offer?

The best part is that using MobiOne you can create fundamental iOS apps quite easily that can be used anywhere with any device that it works with. There’s a lot more that you can do with this emulator such as, branding apps with self-designed icons, share app and webapp links through email, create status alerts on desktop, get a peek of your app status using the AppCenter Progress View, adjust your app in a way so that it works in iPhone and iPad and download the app installation file on its own as soon as the project is completed.

MobiOne Studio is a simple app that can be used by even the beginners to develop an iOS app and works just perfect for those who nurture the passion for developing good mobile apps.

Compatibility: Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad

iPhone Simulator

If you are yearning to get access to those amazing iPhone games and apps on your Windows PC, iPhone Simulator can be the right choice for you. It is one of the iOS emulators in the category and does exactly what you want. Test apps that are still in the nascent stage using this iOS emulator and keep a track of any major concerns related to it.

What Does iPhone Simulator Offer?

iPhone is an expensive phone and is not a cup of tea for everyone, so those of you can’t afford an iPhone , this emulator can create a virtual iPhone on your desktop in minutes. You won’t miss the real phone when you see its brilliant interface, graphics that are of superior quality and that exactly resembles the real iPhone. However, you may be disappointed with the fact that it does not give you access to certain iPhone apps including the App Store which is a major let down.

The emulator works on flash and allows you access to some of the default apps like, notepad, clock, calculator and iOS system preferences. You can even change the wallpaper. It more resembles the third generation of iPhone, so it’s great for those who just want to get the feel of a real iPhone and nothing beyond that.

Compatibility: Mac, Windows

iPad Simulator

Now, that couldn’t be more easier as the iPad Simulator is available as a Google Chrome extension. It functions as a cloud operating system and also as a simulator in the Google Chrome browser. As the name suggests, using this extension you can get an iPad screen on your computer desktop.

What Does iPad Simulator Offer?

Once you have got the simulator, you can then send messages to your buddies using the iMessage app of the iPad. You will love the iPad Simulator when you see the reply messages in form of notifications within the extension, which is by far its best feature. So, if you missed the iPad just because of its steep pricing, iPad Simulator can give you the closest feel of the iPad at no cost.

There’s a big list of features that the simulator offers without the real iPad such as, access to Siri, creating unlimited app pages, HD animated wallpapers, access to everything on the cloud, drag-and-drop apps facility, arranging your cloud interface with your chosen iPad apps, easily track apps using the browse and search page, start and sync the simulator using the web service in just one simple click, straightforward and classy iPad interface, access to screensavers and multitasking.

With so much on your platter without the real and expensive iPad, you would definitely want to get it today, isn’t it?

Compatibility: Windows, Chrome


App.io is one of the straightforward apps that’s easy to navigate. You simply need to sync your iOS app pack with the App.io and then you can easily stream your apps via the App.io to any of your cloud storage device from Windows PC, Mac, Tablet, to Android. It works best with Android mobile phones as you do not need to configure any hardware additionally as the apps downloaded via the cloud.

App.io gives you the feel and the appearance of an Apple device for free along with the identical looking, keyboard, menus and more. If you are running a business, add your potential customers in your app instantly, using this application with no download or any fuss. That’s not all as now you can quickly and safely share apps with your external and internal teams irrespective of the platform. The apps set up on App.io work flawlessly so have fun emulating iOS apps.

Download: https://app.io/

Price: Free 7 Day Trial

Do you want to run ios apps on Windows PC or want to know about best ? Then you have landed at right place. If you own an and have Windows 10, 8, 7 PC or a laptop, then life can get a little hard for you.2

Data transfer becomes very difficult as the iOS apps do not work in tandem with the Windows.

This post is for people who face such difficulties, and to know why are so crucial. If you too want to run the iPhone apps on your Windows computers, then this article will help you greatly.

We would be discussing some of the best iOS emulators for PCs and laptops that run on Windows.

With the aid of these, you can enjoy all your favorite iOS applications and games on your Windows 10, 8, 7 PC too.

You can even enjoy all the iOS apps and games even if you do not have an Apple product . What you will need is a device that can emulate the iOS apps on another OS. Once you download iPhone emulator for pc, you are all ready to go.

What is an iOS emulator?

Before we begin to discuss the best products, we need to know what emulators are.

Well, Emulators are virtual programs that create a different OS environment on a various operating system.

iPhone emulator for Windows is similar to these software programs. After installing ios emulator on Windows PC, it creates an ios environment on windows, which can help us to run iOS apps.

These emulators follow the concept of virtualization technology . Such technology is responsible for creating virtual machines. These virtual devices are capable of running iOS applications on Windows computers.

iOS Emulators vs iOS Simulators.

Emulators are virtual programs that are used for creating a different OS environment than native OS of the device. iOS emulators for windows create an iOS environment for running iPhone apps on Windows PC.

While simulators also develop an OS environment, but they do not try to create a copy of hardware as emulators do. Due to this limitation simulators fail to run some apps.

Most of the users prefer iOS emulators over simulators. Most developers use emulators for developing and testing apps.

The advantage of iOS Emulators for Windows?

Emulators were built initially so that the application developers could test apps and programs.

These are capable of running applications on one or many operating systems like iOS, Mac, Windows, and Android.

The best thing about these iPhone app emulators or iPad emulator for PC is that they come free of cost.

We can upgrade them with the help of SDK. The iPhone app emulators are user-friendly as they are incredibly easy to use and install.

20 Best iOS emulators for Windows PC.

The following are some of the best emulators that can help us to run iOS apps on PC. This list has been configured based on a lot of research and user reviews.

1. MobiOne Studio

MobiOne Studio is one of the best apple emulators for PC that allow us to run iOS games and on Windows computer. Officially Mobione is discontinued. Still, you can use it.

It is beneficial for app developers who look to develop cross-platform applications for mobile phones. This software can even enable status notifications similar to iOS. You can enjoy the beta apps using this emulator. I have also shared for the computer.

Compatibility – Windows, iPad, Mac, iPhone

2. App.io

App.io is also one of the for windows in the market. Biggest advantages of this application are that it is basic to use and very easy to navigate. However, app.io is a bit slow ios emulator for PC. It sometimes takes much time up to 30 minutes for uploading the apps.

It comes with 7 days free trial. If you are satisfied using the trial version , then you can upgrade to the premium plan. App.io is developed on the basis of the cloud. All you need to do is sync the ios.appi bundle or the apk file with this, and you are ready to go.

Compatibility – Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari Browser

Ratings – 3.5/5


3. SmartFace

Smartface is a great iPhone emulator for windows. It is widely used to build native cross-platform iOS apps. It is extensively utilized by the app developers to test iOS apps .

You can choose either the paid version or the free version depending on your choice. Smartface paid version starts from $99 . If you are looking for an alternative to ipadian, then you can try smartface.

Compatibility – Windows

4. IPadian

IPadian is perhaps the best iPad emulator for windows. It gives you the feel of an iPad on android and windows products.

With the help of this emulator, you can get the fantastic Apple features like Siri, TvOS, iMessages and watch OS. iPadian has an interface similar to iPhone and iPad. You can use it to get iOS apps on PC. However, you cannot expect from it to run every single app.

It also has a UI which is very user-friendly as a result of this more people find it favorable to others. iPadian is freely available; you can get it absolutely at no cost. You can also play games using this ios emulator for PC.

Compatibility – Windows, Mac OS, Linux

5. Appetize.io

Appetize.io is an alternative to App.io, but many believe that Appetize.io is better than the App.io. It is possible to develop Android and iOS applications on cloud storage with the help of this emulator.

If you download and install Appetize.io then for the first 100 minutes, you can use it free of cost , and if you exceed that, then you will be charged $0.05 per minute. If you just want to test some apps, then it’s free version can do your job.

How to Use Appetize Emulator?

  • First of all visit appetize.io official website.
  • Now you have to upload the ios or Android application file.
  • After that put your genuine email address for the app link.
  • Once you have submitted the email, you will get a link in the mail. Just click on it to run the app.

6. AIR iPhone

Air iPhone creates a virtual iPhone on your PC which enables you to see the actual screen. The AIR iPhone also supports Adobe AIR framework which is very helpful to the user. You can download the Adobe air framework from their official website.

Air iPhone recreate the iPhone user interface on a computer. You have to download Air framework for running it successfully. You can use below button for downloading and installing this PC iPhone emulator.

Compatibility – Windows

7. iPad Simulator

iPad Simulator is an extension of Google Chrome browser. It acts both like a cloud OS as well as a simulator.

You can get Apple features with iPad simulator like Siri without having to pay anything.

It is a virtual clone of iPad which we can use as an iOS emulator for Windows Computer. If you want a cloud ios emulator for Windows PC, then iPad simulator is the best choice for you. It allows you to Drag and Drop ios applications from PC to iPad simulator.

Ratings – 4.5/5

Compatibility – Windows, Chrome

Currently removed from Chrome Webstore.

8. iPhone Simulator

iPhone Simulator is most useful if you are looking for an emulator which will help you to play your iPhone games on your Windows PCs. The most significant positive of this emulator is that it has excellent graphics quality.

Moreover, if you want to use this, then the right news is that this comes free of cost. You can create a virtual clone UI of iPhone on Windows using iPhone Simulator . Just download it and enjoy the features on your computer.

Compatibility – Windows

9. Nintendo 3DS Emulator

It is a console which is widely regarded as the greatest ever, and this has received great reviews from the iOS users too. If you are more concerned about gaming , then Nintendo 3DS emulator is for you. You can play some good using this ios emulator for PC.

Nintendo lets you enjoy 3D games on your Windows PC. It creates a virtual console on your PC. The gaming with this emulator is quite smooth. You can play the games without any lagging issues. I recommend this iPhone emulator for PC .

Ratings – 5/5

Compatibility – Windows, iOS, Android, Mac

10. Xamarin Testflight

Xamarin Testflight is well known for providing advanced support and a very user-friendly UI. This emulator runs smoothly and is very easy to download and install . You can only test the apps based on iOS 8.0 or above. If you want to test lower version apps, then you can try other emulators from the list.

Apple Corporation has currently owned this emulator. Being an Apple product, Xamarin can perform a lot of tasks related to iOS. Xamarin TestFlight is one of the popular ios emulator for PC. It is easy to set up and simple to operate. You can easily test your hands on the Xamarin TestFlight. Below is the download link for it.

Compatibility – Windows, Mac

11. Electric Mobile Studio

Electric Mobile Studio is a paid emulator to run iOS apps on Windows products. It is considered to be quite expensive, but many believe that the product offered is of high quality too.

Electric Mobile Studio can help us to develop ios apps using different coding languages. It is a bit heavy and consumes more ram if compared to . It costs around $39.99 per month, which is high for an emulator. You can also get 7 days free trial to test it out.

Compatibility – Windows

12. Ripple

Another iOS emulator that has steadily grown in stature over some time now is the ripple iOS emulator . It is often used for testing of applications and also for the development of new applications by the developers. Ripple is a Google Chrome browser-based extension, which you can use as an iOS emulator.

Ripple is another cloud-based iPhone emulator which supports almost all iOS apps. It can run iOS 1 to iOS 11 apps on any computer. It is a good alternative to iPad emulator. It is quite popular among the tech geeks and iOS app developers. You can also try it out.

Ratings – 4.5/5

13. iMAME

iMAME is a good emulator for gaming. With iMAME, it is possible for you to download and install all the apps and games that are available on iPhone and iPad. It can emulate various types of iOS games. You can play iOS 9/iOS 10 games using iMAME. Just download it, and you are all set to enjoy its features.

iMAME isn’t the best iOS Emulator in the industry. However, you can give it a try. Download it from below button. If the link is broken or not working then leave a comment below, I will update it with a new link.

Ratings – 2.5/5

14. Xamarin

Xamarin is one of the latest products in the market that you can use to emulate iOS on your PC. It is used primarily by developers to test the cross-platform compatibility of ios apps with Windows platform. Xamarin is developed by the technology giant Apple Inc.

Being an Apple product it has the quality features. You can use it to run apps like iMessage on Windows PC. By Using visual studio, IDE developers can debug iOS apps on Windows PCs effortlessly. It’s an excellent emulator for the app development purpose.

Compatibility – Windows, Linux, Mac

15. iDos Emulator

The second last name in the list is the iDos Emulator which works seamlessly to give you iOS experience on your PC. You can use this iOS emulator for PC at no cost. Its interface is quite straightforward and easy to use for beginners.

Currently, the iDos emulator is not getting updates on features or bug reports. Even though it has the functionality, but it is not recommended to use this software. However, if you want to give it a try, then you can download it.

Compatibility – Windows

Ratings – 2/5

16. Remoted iOS Simulator

Remoted ios simulator is another product from the Xamarin . You can test most of the ios apps on PC using this ios emulator for PC. If above emulators failed to impress you, then you should check this one. You can also debug it with the help of Windows Visual Studio Enterprise.

It has simple and easy to use interface. You can easily go through the navigation.

Compatibility – Windows

Best iOS Emulators for Mac

Below I have shared some Emulators for Mac PC. These are same as above windows ones, but you can also run these four on your Mac PC. So go through these four emulators if you are on Apple’s Macbook.

17. App.io

Well, this iPhone emulator is also available for Mac OS along with Windows. You can download it from above link. It supports almost all Mac OS versions. It is a web-based emulator for Mac. App.io is currently counted as one of the best iOS emulators for Windows 7/8/8.1/10 and Mac PC.

App.io is the top alternative to appetize.io. So if you are facing issues with appetize then consider using this emulator out. It’s not a software-based but online web-based emulator. If it’s also not giving you the results check out below application.

The well-known emulator also supports the Mac OS. It has some great features which make it a good apple emulator for computer or laptop. It also provides the support to any Mac OS version. You can emulate iPhone on Mac PC with it. As an app developer, you can test iOS apps on Mac OS with Xamarin Testflight.

19. Appetize.io

You can use appetize.io for free on your Mac PC. As you have seen earlier, it’s also available for Windows. Now enjoy iOS apps on MacBook. The model of MacBook doesn’t matter. I have provided a tutorial on appetize in Window section above. Follow the same guide for Mac OS, and you are ready to rock.

If you want an online emulator without downloading then this is for you. Just visit the official website of appetize and proceed further. You can try it if other emulators aren’t working on your PC.

It’s Apple’s product. Being the Apple’s product you can expect the quality and premium features from it. It has useful features for running and testing iOS apps on Windows and Mac. Xamarin can provide most of the good features which you expect from an emulator.

Well, it’s good to go tool to run iOS apps on your Mac laptop or PC. You just need to download it and you are all set to go.

Final Words:

Well, it was a requested article by one of our reader. These are the best iOS emulators for Windows 10, 8, 7. Hope, you have selected the one which fulfills your needs. If I miss any, let me know. These emulators may not run all of the ios applications on Windows.

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Still, have any queries or suggestions? Let me know in the comments below. I will reply as quick as possible.