Скачать вейпоинты майнкрафт 1.7 10.


Many Minecraft players know the struggle of having to run from one location to another on a regular basis. This gets especially annoying if a player has to continue running back and forth between specific locations; this is a major waste of time. However, there is a way to decrease this annoying predicament in a way that makes the game much more enjoyable.

The Waypoints Mod acts like a fast travel feature that many other popular games have implemented in the past, though it does have its own differences. As Minecraft players, wouldn’t it make a lot more sense to be able to quick travel to different parts of the map if one has already visited these locations? It is a giant time saver if a player wants to cut down on the amount of time he or she spends running around.

Relative post:

Using the Waypoints Mod 1.12 requires the player to create the waypoints first, of course. Creating a waypoint is pretty simple. To do this, place waypoint blocks right next to each other to form a base that can be either 2x1x2 or 3x1x3 . After a player has created this waypoint, it can be named for easier organization and travel destinations. Then, link the newly created waypoint to other already created waypoints (which must be created first if they are to be linked). After this process has been completed, travel is much easier. Now, a player can move between different waypoints that have been linked together to make travel across the Minecraft world much quicker than simply running to get there. It is easy to see why this mod is so well loved among players, it really does make things move much smoother and quicker than typical Minecraft gameplay.

This mod is a great time saver and a fantastic idea but it does come with a few issues that could have been worked over in a better manner. Quite a few players have stated they have had issues with their games crashing if they are on servers with the Waypoints Mod 1.12/1.11.2/ running. Thankfully, the majority of the issues the mod has caused have been fixed pretty quickly because the developers want to minimize the problems Minecraft players face. As a player, there shouldn’t be too many problems to face and it shouldn’t cause much of a negative difference to the total gameplay, just diminish wasted time.


Older recipe:

Mod Installation:

  • Download
  • Right click, Run as Administrator and press OK to install Forge. (You can skip this step if you’ve installed Minecraft Forge)
  • Open Start on desktop => Open Run (Or you can use the Windows +R keyboard shortcut)
  • Type %appdata% into Run and press enter
  • Go to folder /.minecraft/mods
  • Put the jar file of Waypoints Modinto mods folder and then run Minecraft. Done!

As much as Minecraft is a game that is fun to play, in many instances, it can also prove to be frustrating. The good news is that through different kinds of mods, it can be a lot easier for any player.

One of the perfect examples of the latter is Waypoints Mod 1.11.2 Minecraft. Once you have started playing the game with the use of this mod, you will definitely regret not knowing about it sooner and shortly after, you will end up recommending it to your friends!

What It Can Do?

By now, you are most probably wondering what exactly Waypoints Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2/1.7.10 can do to improve you playing experience. In Minecraft, you need to travel from one place to another in order to gain points and to progress. This can be time-consuming for many, and this is where the benefits of having this mod can be apparent. This will allow you to be instantly transported to different places. This will make you more productive and will give you more time to do other things.

How to Use It?

Using Waypoints Mod Minecraft is relatively easy. The first thing that you have to do is to create the waypoints. All that needs to be done is to assemble the waypoint blocks next to each other. Once you have made the structure, you will have to name it depending on what you prefer. Next, link it with a waypoint that you have created previously. Once this is done, you can conveniently move in between the waypoints that you have created, which will be a huge time-saver when moving from one place to another.

Addressing Problems

Like in the case of other mods that exist for Minecraft, there are certain problems that could prove to be apparent with the use of mod. In the past, many have reported that it resulted into inevitable crashes. The good news is that the creators of the mod have listened to the complaints of its users. Such issue has already been addressed, providing you with the guarantee of having seamless experience when it is used. Continuous improvements are also being made to resolve any other problem that can result from the use of this mod.


How to install:

What are you waiting for? Change the way you play Minecraft now. Make your friends envious by doing one thing that they might not yet know they can do. With Waypoints Mod 1.11.2, it will be effortless for you to move from one place to another, making you more productive and providing you with more time to do other things than just to travel in a manner that consumes a lot of your time.

Xaero’s Minimap Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 has a very clean interface and blends well with the overall Minecraft aesthetic. You can set waypoints manually and even deathpoints will be created automatically if you die. Overall it’s very customizable to suit your needs.

Waypoints can be created by pressing B and you can even teleport to them if you want. You can also choose whether you want to see those in game or have them hidden. They’ll still remain in your list regardless, which can be access by pressing U.

Possibly the best part of this minimap is that it recognizes when you’re underground. This is greatly helpful if you’re trekking through caves and abandoned mines and need a quick reference of where you are. Combine that with waypoints and you’ll never get lost again.

The custom settings are what makes this map truly personal. You can adjust the size exactly to your liking. Set the display HUD to show players, items, and mobs. And even move it around wherever it works best for you. Choose wherever you want it to be or choose from one of four presets.


  • Aesthetic feel and look of vanilla Minecraft .
  • Runs smoother than most minimap mods .
  • 2 mod editions: full and fair-play. Full version does not have any limits. Fair-play version does not display any entities or cave maps which is more suitable for public PVP servers.
  • 2 colour modes: Vanilla , which uses the colours of vanilla Minecraft maps and Accurate , which uses the colours of block textures.
  • Terrain texture customization.
  • Compatible with Xaero’s World Map and can use the chunks loaded by the world map instead of it’s own.
  • Option to limit your Minimap usage by binding it to an item that you’ll need to have in your hotbar in order for the minimap show up. For example, add minimapItemId:minecraft:compass anywhere in the config file to bind it to compass.
  • Multiple languages.
  • Ability to lock north .
  • Works both above and under ground.
  • Togglable chunk grid .
  • Togglable slime chunks mode.
  • Cave maps.
  • Waypoints . Infinite amount. Can be teleported to (permission needed). Press B to create a new waypoint. Press U to list all the waypoints.
  • In-game waypoints. Waypoints will also be visible in-game. Can be disabled.
  • Deathpoints . An automatic waypoint is created on each death .
  • Displays mobs on the map as yellow dots. Customizable in the settings. Hostile and friendly mobs can be coloured differently.
  • Displays players on the map as white dots or player heads. Customizable in the settings.
  • Displays items on the map as red dots. Customizable in the settings.
  • Displays all the other entities such as arrows and item frames as purple dots (Different types of entities can be disabled in mod settings). Customizable in the settings.
  • Zoom in and out keybinds (I and O).
  • Coordinates under the minimap.
  • Current biome under the minimap.
  • Configurable settings . From minimap size to entity amount. Press Y ingame to open.
  • Edit mode which lets you move the minimap whereever you desire.
  • Compatible with the Better PVP Plugin for Bukkit servers.
