Установка Google Play Market на устройства Xiaomi.


Xiaomi Market – альтернативный магазин от Xiaomi. Здесь вы найдете тысячи полезных, интересных программ и игр, которые полностью проверены на отсутствие вирусов и прочих скрытых проблем. Если в данном маркете нет нужного вам сервиса, система предложит перейти в другие, похожие приложения, для скачивания контента.

С появлением «умных» устройств начали создаваться различные магазины, откуда бесплатно можно скачивать программы, игрушки, антивирусы и прочие важные данные, которые упрощают работу с девайсом, а также могут защитить его от опасностей из сети. Но, не всегда в стандартных маркетах есть «в наличии» то приложение, которое необходимо скачать. Потому, в качестве альтернативы лицензионным магазинам приложений, начали создаваться другие способы добычи нужных файлов.

Xiaomi Market — одна из лучших разработок от китайских друзей. Это абсолютно безопасный сервис, который содержит множество программ для апгрейда вашего смартфона. Данный сервис поможет быстро и без проблем отыскать нужные файлы, самые последние и надежные антивирусы, а также прочие приложения, которые вы не сможете найти в лицензионных версиях магазинов.

Программы в таких маркетах ничем не отличаются от тех, которые расположены в стандартных системах. Все они проверены на вирусы и файлы-вредители. Так что, вы без страха можете пользоваться предложенными сервисами и устанавливать их на свое устройство.

Все данные, которые находятся в этом магазине, можно скачивать абсолютно бесплатно. Если вы не нашли в разделах нужную программу, система предложит посетить «партнеров», где будет возможность отыскать необходимую игру или приложение. Во время «сотрудничества» вы также будете надежно защищены от опасных вирусов и различных скрытых программ, которые часто можно подхватить при скачивании данных из посторонних ресурсов.

Работа с Xiaomi Market не отличается особой сложностью, а его интерфейс очень похож на стандартные магазины приложений. Здесь также находится строка поиска и возможность сортировки по категориям. К каждой программе можно прочитать краткое описание, а затем перейти непосредственно к самому скачиванию данных.

В процессе пользования вы можете обновлять установленные сервисы или же полностью запретить маркету совершать эту задачу. Для работы с находящимися в магазине данными, необходимо создать свой аккаунт и вам станет доступен весь «товар», размещенный в нем. Установите Xiaomi Market на свой мобильный гаджет и скачивайте любимые игры или полезные приложения без каких-либо ограничений.

Почти в каждом мобильном устройстве есть магазин приложений. Это очень удобно, в маркете приложений можно найти практически все, и платные и бесплатные решения от разработчиков со всего мира. К сожалению, не на всех продаваемых устройствах Xiaomi установлен стандартный магазин приложений, который заменяется на китайский аналог – Mi Market. В этой статье мы разберем как установить на устройства Xiaomi Play Market от компании Google.

Если на вашем устройстве Xiaomi отсутствует магазин приложений, скорее всего, у вас стоит китайская версия прошивки, которая имеет два языка и предназначена для жителей Китая. Власти Поднебесной распорядились заблокировать все сервисы Google на территории страны, поэтому в устройствах для Китая отсутствуют все приложения «компании добра» (имеющих аббревиатуру GAPPS – Google Applications), в том числе, входящий в их состав Play Market, который заменен на китайский магазин приложений.

Администрация сайта ответственности за ваши действия не несет, вы делайте все на свой страх и риск.

Рассмотрим самые распространенные варианты как установить Google Play от простых к более сложным.

Установка Play Market из китайского маркета

На разных прошивках действия могут немного отличаться, поэтому если вам не подходит текстовая инструкция, стоит посмотреть видеоинструкцию.

  1. Открываем в телефоне магазин приложений Mi Market (Xiaomi Market).
  2. Вводим в поиск «Google»
  3. Самое первое приложение в поисковой выдаче, должно быть, с красной иконкой и с буквой G в центре, оно называется «Google Installer» (значок приложения в Xiaomi Market может поменяться со временем). Выбираем и нажимаем «Install».
  4. Дожидаемся установки программы и затем запускаем ее.
  5. В самом приложении нужно выбрать «Play Market» и нажать кнопку «Install».
  6. Скорее всего, вам предложат установить пакет необходимых программ под названием «Google Service Framework», без них плэй маркет работать не сможет, поэтому соглашаемся на установку (используем кнопку в верхнем правом углу).
  7. Приложение установлено!

Видеоинструкция с другой версией операционной системы.

Установка с помощью apk файла

Установить Google Play Market можно с помощью отдельно скаченного приложения. К сожалению, большинство программ не заработают на устройстве, поскольку все они содержат в себе только сам Play Market, хотя для его работы требуются системные приложения, которые отсутствуют в устройствах Xiaomi с китайской прошивкой. Поэтому для установки потребуются специально созданные пользователями пакеты программ для китайских прошивок.

Все программы взяты с официального английского форума, мы их разместили на отдельном файловом хранилище для вашего удобства. Так же вы можете самостоятельно скачать их с форума, все ссылки будут приведены ниже, для скачивания нужно будет войти на форум через ваш .

Для работоспособности всех Google программ, вам понадобится gmail аккаунт(почта), при запуске приложений вам потребуется ввести логин и пароль. Если у вас их нет, то можно завести их заранее или в момент загрузки устройства.

Также не забываем включить установку программ из неизвестных источников в ваших смартфонах.

Вариант 1

Эта программа по заверениям автора взята из китайского Xiaomi Market. Вам нужно будет установить программу, запустить ее и затем выбрать какие приложения от гугл вы хотите себе установить. После этого следует перезагрузить устройство.

Вариант 2

Это уже модифицированная программа, с самым минимум необходимых файлов. Скачиваете, запускаете и программа должна установить вам все необходимое для полного функционирования Google Play Market.

Установка через загрузчик (recovery)

Данный вариант отличается от предыдущих тем, что установку мы будем производить не через операционную систему. Такая установка в кругах продвинутых пользователей считается самой правильной.

Установка перепрошивкой

Для большинства устройств Xiaomi выпущена международная мультиязычная прошивка, в которой присутствует русский язык и все программы от Google. Если вы собираетесь русифицировать свое устройство, то лучше всего будет просто произвести прошивку мультиязычной версией miui. В таком случае сам маркет будет на русском языке. Инструкцию можете прочитать у нас.

Возможные проблемы

Если у вас выкидывает, медленно скачиваются программы с плей маркета, не хотят устанавливаться приложения или не работает само приложение, то можно попробовать один из следующих трюков.

Во время установки пакета приложений из Mi маркета или через apk файл, может произойти так, что сам Google Play будет установлен быстрее, чем необходимые системные файлы. Поэтому после запуска маркета, приложение будет просто вылетать. Чтобы это исправить нужно удалить Play Market как обычную программу (долгий тап по иконке и перетаскиваем наверх для удаления) и затем снова установить маркет из «Google Installer», только теперь без пакета Service Framework.

Если после переустановки проблемы не исчезли, возможно, стоит удалить гугл аккаунт из телефона, перезагрузить устройство и зарегистрировать его заново. В нашем случае со смартфоном xiaomi redmi 3 pro этот совет помог. По отзывам после данной манипуляции 98% проблем исчезает.

Еще одним решением многих проблем является установка более новой версии Play Market поверх старой. На данный момент актуальной версией является сборка под номером 5.6.8. Скачать можно по этой ссылке , форум .

Неправильная дата и время могут быть причиной сбоя в gapps, поэтому удостоверьтесь, что у вас установлено правильно время, дата и часовой пояс.

Сбросьте настройки маркета. Для этого перейдите в диспетчер приложений, найдите в списке Play Market и нажмите на него. В окне настроек выберите «Стереть данные» и «Очистить кэш».

Обязательно проверьте свои настройки фаервола в разделе «безопасность». Возможно, происходит блокировка интернет соединения для приложения.

Если у вас на телефоне нет важной информации, то можно попробовать сделать сброс всех данных.

На данный момент это все известные способы борьбы с ошибками. Пишите в комментариях какой именно способ вам помог.

Все современные устройства оснащены магазином приложений, музыки, книг и прочего контента. Android девайсы не исключение, в комплекте с каждым поставляется магазин Google Play. Телефоны Ксиаоми несколько выбиваются из общего правила. Причиной тому является наличие китайской версии программного обеспечения, предназначенного исключительно для рынка «Поднебесной». Подобные девайсы несут на борту китайскую собственную версию Плей Маркета. Это связано с запретом на использование любых сервисов «Гугл». Mi Market - это аналог магазина от Google. Для русскоговорящего пользователя польза такого сервиса весьма сомнительна, как минимум, из-за отсутствия перевода.

Play market что это за программа

Play Market Xiaomi - это официальный каталог приложений, идентичный тому, который используется в Андроид устройствах других производителей. Он также известен среди пользователей под названием «Андроид Маркет» и «Гугл Маркет». Как и большинство аналогов, каталог содержит сотни тысяч единиц различного контента: программы, игры, музыка, фильмы, книги.

Все содержимое сервиса является лицензионным. Стоит упомянуть ряд преимуществ использования сертифицированного ПО, в сравнении с «пиратскими» аналогами:

  1. Качество . Все материалы проходят тщательную проверку перед публикацией. Ошибки в работе такого софта и прочие неприятности практически исключены.
  2. Безопасность . Все содержимое проверяется на наличие вредоносного ПО - риск скачивания зараженного контента сведен к нулю.
  3. Поддержка . Регулярный выпуск новых версий, исправление ошибок, адаптация под новые устройства.
  4. Комментарии . Возможность ознакомится с мнением и отзывами других потребителей перед покупкой, добавить свое мнение или заявить о проблеме.

«Гугл Маркет» как скачать и установить

Если программа все-таки отсутствует, вероятнее всего у Вас китайская версия операционной системы. Серьезной проблемы в этом нет, нужно просто установить адаптированный вариант для нашего региона. Существует несколько способов установки «Плей Маркета» на Xiaomi.

Как отключить автоматическое обновление приложений Play Market

Опция далеко не самая востребованная, поскольку актуальный софт необходим всегда. Данное действие может потребоваться в случае нахождения в роуминге, экономии трафика, если Вы не желаете обновлений без Вашего ведома.

Заходим в сам магазин, настройки, автообновление приложений, выбираем из предложенного:

  • никогда (наш случай);
  • всегда (через сотовые сети и по Wi-Fi);
  • только через Wi-Fi (подходит для ситуации с роумингом);

Как удалить «Плей Маркет» на Xiaomi

Занятие весьма сомнительное и сложно представить ситуацию, при которой оно может потребоваться. Полное удаление может также привести к серьезным сбоям в работе. Не стоит рисковать, ведь можно просто его отключить.

The local partner in India is ICICI Bank. The data is stored on Indian servers and not on servers located in China according to Xiaomi. Users will be able to make payments to other Mi Pay users and other UPI-based payment apps. This is just the beginning. It is an important step towards the next stage. There are consistent financial facilities offered by Xiaomi partners. For example, lower rates for buying items in the group. Or loyalty promotions with a value based on the amount traded through this app. Current technological opportunities allow for such quick facilities.

The Xiaomi marketing team in India reaffirms its professionalism and offers 100 first-time users of the pay application – 100 units of Redmi Note 7 and 50 Mi LED TV 4A PRO 32. I expect the following promotional campaigns to find low-priced tickets at various Xiaomi youth shows.

The Mi Pay will face competition in India such as Paytm, PhonePe, MobiKwik and Google Pay. The main advantage is the list of partners that can be interconnected. Direct payments on the smartphone are just starting out. In just a few years we will witness a spectacular evolution of payment and customer loyalty.

In the development strategy for this year of the Xiaomi group is not found and official entry into the US market

As an innovation-driven technology company, Xiaomi will continue to work on fundamentals; strengthen its capabilities in innovation, quality control and supply chain management; and promote its multi-brand strategy. With the upcoming 5G deployment in 2019, the Group will continue to invest in the development of its open AIoT platform, which is believed that there will be more scenarios available for AIoT in the future.

To further expand its global footprint, Xiaomi will continue to enter additional markets in 2019 and replicate the success in India in other key markets such as Indonesia and Western Europe.

The Group will focus on building efficient new retail channels by continuously strengthening its distribution capabilities and building an omni-channel, full-scene new retail network that delivers comprehensive product categories. While maintaining leading position in the e-commerce market, Xiaomi will also continue to optimize its offline distribution to further strengthen its advantage in efficiency.

The Group will further enhance and optimize its internet services in mainland China, and continue to expand its client base. Meanwhile, Xiaomi will actively expand its fast-growing IoT device-based internet services, such as TV internet services and overseas internet services, and continue to grow the services that have the potential to expand to non-Xiaomi smartphone users, such as internet finance and the Youpin e-commerce platform.

Xiaomi and US market

Quality is measured where you can meet as competitive performers. In this innovative field, quality is measured in the US market. There are producers and budgets for research but also people with high digital experience.

I think Xiaomi is cautious. Its products have a high performance. But the Xiaomi Group’s strategy also includes a wide range of services that it will not be able to offer in the US over the coming years. In the US they will be able to sell units but the possibilities of launching related services will be limited.

For now, he is pleased to watch the UK market, a market similar to the US. Follows. Learn. Establish strategy.

Xiaomi Corporation recorded a strong revenue of approximately RMB174.9 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 52.6%, among which international revenue grew 118.1% year-on-year to RMB 70.0 billion, accounting for 40% of its total revenue. Net profit for year 2018 was approximately RMB13.478 billion. Adjusted net profit (Non-IFRS Measure) grew by 59.5% year-on-year to RMB8.6 billion.

Rapid growth across all business segments. In FY2018, Xiaomi’s smartphones segment recorded revenue of approximately RMB113.8 billion, up 41.3% year over year, which was mainly driven by notable grown in both smartphone sales volume, and the average selling price (“ASP”). Compared with the 4.1% year-on-year decline of shipments in the global smartphone market, according to IDC Consulting (Beijing) Ltd. (“IDC”), Xiaomi’s smartphone shipments reached 118.7 million units, representing an increase of 29.8% over the previous year.

Revenue from the IoT and lifestyle products segment continued to maintain a high speed of growth, surged 86.9% on a year-over-year basis to RMB43.8 billion. As of December 31, 2018, the global cumulative shipments of its smart TVs were 8.4 million units, representing a 225.5% year-on-year growth. In addition to smart TVs and laptops, we achieved outstanding sales performances across multiple product categories such as Mi Band, Mi Electric Scooter and Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner.

Revenue from the internet services segment grew by 61.2% year-on-year to RMB16.0 billion. Meanwhile, advertising revenue grew by 79.9% year-on-year to RMB10.1 billion, primarily driven by continuous optimization of recommendation algorithm, and users’ increasing engagement with Xiaomi’s internet services. The MAU of MIUI increased 41.7% to 242.1 million in December 2018. In the fourth quarter of 2018, Xiaomi has successfully increased diversification of internet services revenue with over 30% of Xiaomi’s internet services revenue was from internet services outside of advertising and gaming from China smartphones.

Xiaomi investors are happy

These official dates are made public after a period when some financial speculators have sold their Xiaomi shares. Then I told you that speculation can be a way to deliberately keep stock prices at a minimum.

I recommend you carefully analyze the evolution of each source of profit. Do not just limit your smartphone sales. Try to insight the future in which Xioami is actively participating.

Flash Sale Alert! You can now buy Lexy Jimmy JV51 Handheld Wireless Powerful Vacuum Cleaner from Xiaomi youpin from Gearbest.com for only $193.99. Hurry up, limited time sale!

Connect devices to network.

Download Xiaomi Mi Home Android application v5.4.61 free from Google Play Store .

Do not dispose of lithium batteries using fire
Do not strike the battery
Lithium battery capacity will be greatly reduced at low temperatures, so please do not use the camera when it is below 0°C
Keep the lens safe from scratches and staining
Use only a professional camera cleaning kit for Mi 4K Action Camera
Keep the camera dry and away from liquids

Package Content
1 x Xiaomi Mijia YDXJ01FM Mi Action Camera 4K with Touch Screen
1 x English / Chinese User Manual
1 x USB Cable
1 x 1450mAh Li-ion polymer battery model RLDC01FM

The problem is that the test results differ from the official characteristics offered by the manufacturer. ANFR ordered a corrective measure – the manufacturer was announced has made the decision to reduce the power of its terminals through an update.

I like corrective measures. I like when there are channels of communication between supervisors and manufacturers with immediate positive results.

Xiaomi is backing Mi’s smartphone owners with three new charging accessories.

Using the three accessories eliminates the risk of no battery running on your smartphone. The office is loading. The car is loaded. In special situations we have a reserve. I would have liked to find this collection and a wireless bicycle charger.

The first one is a Mi Wireless charger that supports up to 20W charging. The price is ridiculously low – only 99 yuan (about 15$).

20W Mi Wireless charger supports Qi charging standard, has fan + heat sink dual cooling system, intelligent recognition of metal foreign objects, and automatic turning off in case of overheating.

The second device is Mi Powerbank with wireless charging feature.

The powerbank capacity is 10000 mAh, supports the 10W fast charging and can charge 3 devices at the same time (smartphones, tablets, cameras and other equipment). It also supports Qi international standard protocol and is compatible with different smartphones.

The powerbank is equipped with foreign object detection function. The price is approximately 22$.

The third device is Wireless Car Charger

This is a convenient wireless charger that let you forget about the irritating wires in your car. Need to charge the phone? Just put it in the charger and the device will automatically lock the smartphone and start charging.

The device supports 20W power output. For example, it can charge the Mi9 from 0 to 45% in half an hour. The price is about 25$.

Main Features:
● Powerful 700W motor for the max 25km/h speed and max 10 degree gradient
● 5.2Ah Li-ion battery (included in the product) for 25km mileage
● Easy to fold / unfold, 114 x 22 x 15cm folding size for space-saving and portable to carry
● Solid rubber tire for different grounds
● Aviation aluminum alloy and rubber materials for max 100kg payload
● Suitable for the kids to play on the wide road, slope, etc.
● Input voltage: 110 – 240V

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Steak, wine, goblet, a well-prepared romantic dinner, are you often stumped by wine stoppers? You can turn on your red wine in just six seconds by pressing the button of this product.

Main features:
● Low noise (less than 60dB) for quiet operation
● Quick charging (5 minutes) for convenient use
● Power display function allows you to intuitively understand the power situation
● Suitable for many occasions: home, hotel, party, wedding and so on
● The surface treatment of black part brings you soft touch feeling
● Built-in 550mAh Li-ion battery

Flash Sale Alert! You can now buy Xiaomi WXKG02LM Aqara Smart Light Switch Wireless Version from Gearbest.com for only $14.99 (discount: 27% off). Hurry up, limited time sale!

– One switch, various actions. Personalize your smart home. Single press, double press or long press on the button to control your preferred scene.
– Smart control in one Home app. Internet is disconnected. Add the Aqara Wireless Remote Switch to the Aqara Hub and it works with other HomeKit-enabled accessories in Apple Home app.
– Smart Home even if the Internet is disconnected. Along with other smart devices, you can create various scenes. Even if the Wi-Fi connection is unstable or disconnected, as long as the Hub is powered, automations associated with the Wireless Remote Switch still work properly.
– Start your relaxing morning with a single press. After waking up, press the Wireless Remote Switch. The alarm clock in the Air Conditioning Controller stops. The curtain opens automatically and the Smart Plug activates the coffee maker. Enjoy the convenience of connected devices at the press of a button.
– High quality assurance. Supports up to 50,000 times of physically on/off switching. Adopts V-0 grade flame-retardant PC panel and high temperature resistance.

Xiaomi WXKG02LM Aqara Smart Light Switch Features
Xiaomi Aqara wall switch Wireless version
Cannot be wired, only can control Xiaomi smart bulb or light through ZigBee
Portable, realize controlling everywhere
Can be used as a key doorbell
SOS emergency call
Defending and withdrawing function
Wireless frequency: 2.4GHz (2400 – 2483.5MHz)
Wireless connection: ZiGBee
Built-in CR2032 battery
Working temperature: -5 – 60 Deg.C
Working humidity: 5 – 95pct
Please download the “Mi Home” APP in Google Play or APP Store

Xiaomi WXKG02LM Aqara Smart Light Switch Specifications
Brand: Xiaomi
Model: WXKG02LM / WXKG03LM
Type: Access Control Switch

Wireless Protocol: Zigbee
Receiving Freq.: 2.4GHzBattery: Built-in CR2032
Battery Life: 2 years
Operating Humidity: 5% – 95% RH, no condensation
Operating Temperature: -5℃ – +50℃
Product weight: 81g
Product size (L x W x H): 8.60 x 8.60 x 1.51 cm / 3.39 x 3.39 x 0.59 inches
Color: WhiteSKU: 3002570 / XD0052W0CN / 235749702
Product code: 6970504210516 / 149/00110905
Production date: 2018.11
SKU: AK012CNW01 / 208126601
CMIIT ID: 2016DP1247
IC: 22635-WXKG02LM
Voluntary Standard: Q/QLML009-2016

Xiaomi Mi Home Android application
Currently the Xiaomi Mi Home smart application can be used to connect and control several Mi Home Automation devices such as Mi Plug, Xiaomi Camera, Mi Air Purifier, Smart Home Kit and Mi Air Purifier and so on. With Mi Home You can also control smart sensors for windows and doors / remote control devices using a smartphone / Connecting to other Smart devices Upon returning home, automatically turns on the light, household appliances will start to work, and fragrant coffee will be ready … and it’s not dram technology of the future, it is the reality that came to life thanks to Xiaomi Mi Smart Home Kit. Using various combinations of components, you can automate the Smart devices, remotely manage devices using a smartphone, fast create favorable conditions for your life. Take a few steps to realize our plans into reality.

A professional app to help you manage your intelligent devices.
Add new devices with a few easy steps
Control your device wherever you are
Get the status of you devices in real time
Share your devices with friends and family members
Set up and perform intelligent tasks
Manage and communicate to devices.
Connect devices to network.
Connect devices to each other.

Download Xiaomi Mi Home Android application v5.4.56 free from Google Play Store .

Package Content
1 x Xiaomi WXKG02LM Aqara Smart Light Control Wireless Version
1 x Multi-language User Manual (English / Chinese / Deutch / Francais / Espanol / Russian)
1 x Adhesive
2 x Screw

Xiaomi knows how important online stores are in a growing market. This attitude allowed them to increase their sales in India last year, for example. An offline store offers the ability to test a product and to intermediate technical issues that are inherently occurring. An offline store has an extremely important role. To give local fans the opportunity to meet with events to form a strong community.

It is important to see how much these magzines will be opened in areas with high technological potential or in areas with low potential. In the first stage I expect these stores to be opened in large shopping centers.

I remind you that Xiaomi is a group of companies. Xiaomi is not just a smartphone. I recommend the section on this website. Soon, in Xiaomi offline stores, we will find a wider range of Xiaomi partner products.

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Opening Cabin Luggage for Airline Overhead Compartment. Made of 100 percent aluminum-magnesium alloy and polyester, this travel suitcase is durable, scratch-resistant and lightweight. The double mechanical coded TSA customs locks keep your belongings safe. It is designed with a four-stage adjustable ergonomic rod, adapting to different users and reducing the rod shaking range.

Main Features:
● Features 20-inch size large capacity and 5 storage compartments, convenient for you to take necessity while traveling
● Noiseless 360-degree wheels, moving smoothly and consistently, wear-resistant and high resilience
● Made of aluminum-magnesium alloy, scratch-resistant, strong load-carrying capacity
● Double password lock function to protect your items from being stolen
● With 4-level adjustable rod, soft feeling and easy to push

– Material: 100 percent aluminum-magnesium alloy
– Lining material: polyester
– Capacity: 31L
– Size: 55.1 x 38.3 x 20.3 cm

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Automatic mechanical movement provides precise and accurate time keeping. The sapphire mirror makes it look clear and transparent. The hollow out design makes you outstanding from others. This watch is perfect for all kind of business, casual, indoor activities or daily use.

Main Features:
● Operating System: MIUI 9
Allows you to remain connected and productive
● CPU: Qualcomm Snapdragon 660
Equipped with better performance, delivering plenty of power for your use
● 8.0 inch Capacitive Screen with 1920 x 1200 Resolution
Natural finger-touch screen with the 1920 x 1200 FHD, 283 PPI, 1200:1 contrast ratio boasts impressive color and clarity and IPS technology provides wide viewing angles
Provides room to store pictures, videos, music and more
● Dual Cameras for Photos and Face-to-face Chat
5.0MP front camera and 13.0MP rear camera let you capture memorable moments or chat with friends
● Dual Band 2.4GHz / 5.0GHz WiFi
Allows you to connect to the Web while within range of an available wireless network
● 4G Network
TDD-LTE Band 34/38/39/40/41

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With the Xiaomi mijia Smart 1080P WiFi IP camera Pan-tilt version, you can sleep soundly! The built-in 8pcs 940nm IR-cut LEDs and quiet motor enable this surveillance camera capture clear night vision images up to 9 meters distance silently. Besides, the rotatable design of the IP camera makes it capable of monitoring wider range in the horizontal and vertical direction via the APP control. What is more, the concealed TF card slot provides not only a beautiful and integrated appearance but also a convenient storage method for you!

Xiaomi 9 adopts waterdrop screen design and Samsung AMOLED screen. Although the proportion of screen is only 90.7%, it has a very narrow notch only measuring 3.66mm. The back of the body is designed with a curved surface, which is consistent with Xiaomi 6 and Xiaomi 8.

Although the screen size of Xiaomi 9 is 6.39 inches, it is still very light in hand, because it is only 4.5mm thick, and the weight of the body is 173g. As what Lei Jun said, Xiaomi 9 moves the heart of hand with its wonderful hand feeling.

This time, the camera is one of the highlights of Xiaomi 9. The Xiaomi 9 is equipped with 16MP micro-range lens + ultra wide-angle 12MP lens + 48MP Sony long-focus portrait lens. The Xioami 9’s photography performance ranks the third on the DxOMark, and its video performance gets the highest DxOMark score. Besides, the Xiaomi 9 also supports the super night view mode and moon shooting mode. So the overall camera performance of Xiaomi 9 is quite good.

In the photo test, the most prominent feature of the actual image of Xiaomi 9 is the ultra-wide angle and the micro-distance. The ultra-wide angle is very suitable for taking large pictures, and it is also a good choice for people who like taking scenery pictures. Another highlight of Xiaomi 9 camera is the micro-distance. Everyone knows that micro-distance can help mobile phones to get better creative shooting works.

In terms of performance, Xiaomi 9 is equipped with the Snapdragon 855 processor, standard 6GB + 128GB storage combination, and new Game Turbo technology. For people who like playing games, the performance of Xiaomi 9 is really a good choice as it will offer you a very smooth playing experience.

However, it is a little regrettable that the Xiaomi 9 is still running the MIUI 10 system, and has not been upgraded to MIUI 11. So the main upgrade of Xiaomi 9 is basically at the hardware level.

As for the notch of the screen, I think this level is almost the first-class level of Android mobile phones at present. Personally, I think OPPO Find X, Huawei Mate 20 and the iPhone X are also in this range. So there is still a large room for the Xiaomi 9 to make a further improvement on the notch.

Finally, let’s talk about the battery performance of the Xiaomi 9. Xiaomi 9 is equipped with 3300 mAh batteries and built-in fast charging of 27W, which has changed the embarrassing situation of 18W charging, and it also released the world’s first 20W wireless fast charging, which reach a higher level than most smartphones on the market.

Fortunately, the price of Xiaomi 9 is only about $444. Although its price is really much higher than its predecessor, but compared with most current smartphones like Huawei, OPPO, Vivo and other manufacturer, the Xiaomi 9 still offers good value for money.And Lei Jun said that Xiaomi smartphones will focus on middle and high-end market and pursuing extreme using experience.

review: the world’s third best camera phone according to DxOMark.

The recently released Xiaomi Mi 9 is already making waves in the smartphone world. With DxOMark ranking it as one of the best camera smartphones out there (with the score of 107 for the rear camera), the Xiaomi Mi 9 does better in the camera department than that all of the iPhones and loses only to the Huawei P20 Pro. What other surprise does the Xiaomi Mi 9 bring us? Let’s take a detailed review about it.

Gradient colors, smaller notch and an in-display fingerprint sensor
The Mi 9 looks very similar to last year’s Xiaomi Mi 8 - but the new model has a smaller notch and a total of three cameras on the back compared to just two on the Mi 8. Looks-wise, the Mi 9 is a rather handsome device - and in keeping with all of this year’s trends. This includes the iridescent finish on the back, which changes color depending on which angle you look at it from. There is also a limited edition model available in China - this one comes with a transparent back through which you can see an imitation of the phone’s insides (think Mi 8 Explorer edition).

The Mi 9 sports a 6.39-inch 19.5:9 Samsung AMOLED Dot Drop display with a 1080-pixel-wide resolution - the rumour has it that it’s the same display uses on the Mi Mix 3. Underneath the display, there is a new in-display fingerprint sensor that is said to unlock the phone 25% faster than previous models. There is also a nifty little option of bringing up a quick menu (which includes a QR code scanner, web browser, etc.) by just holding the fingerprint sensor or a few extra seconds.

Snapdragon 855 CPU and up to 256GB of storage
Inside, the Mi 9 features the Snapdragon 855 processor and you will be able to choose between 6GB or 12GB of RAM and enjoy up to 256GB of storage. This is one of the few phones currently featuring the new Snapdragon 855 processor, which is another advantage highlighted by the company with Xiaomi saying it’s “one of the world’s first” companies to produce a Snapdragon 855 phone. While we are sure that we will be seeing more and more Snapdragon 855 smartphones, we have to say it’s an impressive upgrade from the Mi 8.

Despite sporting a strong processor, the Mi 9 is not a 5G smartphone - and there are no promises that it will support this feature in the future. It does, however, support a variety of LTE networks.

Triple rear cameras better than the iPhone XS Max and Galaxy Note 9
The biggest thing about the Mi 9 is the phone’s triple rear camera with lenses for wide, telephoto and super wide angle view (117 degrees). The main cam uses a 48-megapixel Sony sensor (quite like the one on the Honor View 20); plus, there is a 12-megapixel telephoto lense with a 2x zoom and a 16-megapixel super wide angle lense for capturing more of the background.

As mentioned above, the phone has been ranked in third place after the Huawei P20 Pro and the Huawei Mate 20 Pro - according to DxOMark. This puts it ahead of some of the top branded smartphones like the iPhone XS Max, Google Pixel 3 and Samsung Galaxy Note 9.

In the review, DxOMark compliment the Mi 9 on quick autofocus and a good white balance and color level. The phone does quite well in low-light conditions but the limited dynamic range and low contrast are highlighted among its main drawbacks.

New wireless charging tricks
With the high-performing cameras, a cool design and a new powerful processor, the Mi 9 could have stopped right there. But there are more upgrades to talk about. The final trick up the Mi 9’s sleeve is the new “Charge Turbo” wireless charging mode allowing for 20W wireless charging. This is quite impressive as most smartphones currently supporting wireless charging do from about 7.5W to 10W. You can use Xiaomi’s Charge Turbo charging pad or a motorized car mount and the smartphone’s 3,300mAh battery will go from zero to full in just 40 minutes. If you prefer conventional charging ways, the Mi 9 also comes equipped with a 27W wired charger which will get the phone’s battery to full in a bit over an hour.

The verdict
We’ve used the word “impressive” a few too many times in this review - and this is pretty much where we stand at this point. With a top notch processor, a great camera ranking and wireless charging upgrades, the Mi 9 looks like the next big thing - and it’s definitely a strong move on the company’s part to kick 2019 off with such a strong market entry. We still need to wait and see what other companies like Huawei have in store for us this year - but, for now, the Mi 9 has won us over.

Xiaomi and Mijia have launched a ergonomic chair with multiple adjustment possibilities.

I spend a lot of time in front of my computer. I changed several chairs designed for pc operators. They all succumbed to the same place – to the supporting leg. The ergonomic facilities offered were different depending on the price. But the foot broke after months of use under normal conditions.

That’s exactly why when I choose a computer chair I check my support leg. I’m not mistaken for the facilities and the price. If the support leg breaks, they are useless.

At first sight, this Xioami chair model has not earned my trust. His presentation emphasizes the adjustment systems, but he does not exactly say what I told you. I want a chair that will last for many years.

It is true that the life of one chair depends on the position of the body on it. The way our weight is distributed. Several adjustment possibilities mean a more efficient weight adjustment and lower pressure on the support leg.

The chair is sold in China at a price of 1299 yuan, around $194 or €169.